Jowdy Photography provides fan photography for all home games of the New York Yankees. We provide a variety of services each game throughout the stadium.
What is Roaming Photography
What is the process?.
To state it simply, we approach fans, take their photo, hand them a unique photo ID card, and tell them to view the photo after the game.
There is no selling, photographers cover a unique area to prevent overlap, and we do not cap the amount of photos other than asking for a single photo per group. Top shooters in our primary locations take between 1000 and 1200 photos on average.
We are FAN photographers, not sports photographers. We do not shoot the action on the field at any time.

Body language is key. Fans respond best to photographers that have the camera up and ready to shoot at all times. Rather than asking fans if they would like a photo, we provide polite direction.
Something like “Hey guys, stop right there for a Fan Photo!”
Fan Photographers are paid 25 cents per sellable photo. At 400 photos this works out to $100.00 per game. If you’re able to take 1,000 images, you’d be paid $250 for that shift. The more motivated you are, the more you can make.
Roaming Photographer
What makes a successful raoming photographer?
- Basic camera knowledge
- Understanding composition
- Outgoing personality
- Ability to work in a high energy, crowded environment
You don't have to be a professional photographer but it definitely helps to have familiarity with a camera. We allow shooting with semi-auto settings if someone is not comfortable shooting in manual. Understand that this is not studio work and we are not shooting action sports. This is creating a souvenir of the event, for the fans. We shoot loose and the composition is all about the stadium, the field, and marketing as backdrops. Being friendly, having fun, and speaking to as many fans as quickly as possible is the biggest key to success. The best tip is to simply expect that every person near you wants a photograph, tell them to stop and smile, and to be ready to take it immediately.
As you know, this is a very large event. Communication can be challenging on game day if cell service gets congested. This is why it is very important to check your phone frequently throughout the event for team communications.
The following is list of items you can expect to receive or that will be added to this page:
- Contact Information (Listed Below)
- Camera Settings Sheet - Issued on game day
- Stadium Map - Issued on game day
- Shooting Zone Map - issued on game day
- Timeline of Events - General information listed bellow and game specific information will be sent out for each event.
- Sample Photos (Down Below)
Staff Expectations
- Response to emails, Text Msgs, and Phone Calls
- We will communicate primarily by text message on game day
- Noise will be a factor and phone calls can be problematic
- Consider a battery pack if your phone battery life does not allow for 8+ hours of use
- Everyone should check their phone no less than every 15 minutes
- Follow all MLB, Stadium, and Jowdy Photography policies and guidelines
- Ask questions rather than make assumptions
- Each photographer is expected to arrive on time
- Each photographer is expected to shoot a minimum of 400 sellable photos per event
- Each photographer is expected to follow our dress code standards listed bellow
Understand that we will audit photo quality and quantity as well as photographer positioning and interactions
Failure to produce the quality or quantity of photos expected will result in removal from the stadium. Average shooters can easily obtain 100 photos per hour, especially during pre-game. It is a wonderful exciting event but we are all there to work. We are limited on how many photographers we can allow into the stadium. If scheduled to work, understand that you are taking a very sought after spot and we expect good production.
Kenneth Forde
Onsite Lead
Joe Perrin
General Manager
210.349.9000 x107
Shane Graef
Director of IT
4 hours before First Pitch - Arrive in the Jowdy booth to check-in and setup camera gear
3.5 hours before First Pitch - Team meeting
3 hours before First Pitch - Plazas open - begin taking photos of fans in your assigned Plaza
2 hours before First Pitch - Stadium doors open - report to assigned sections
End time - Game ends approx 3 hours after First Pitch - report back to office

Once scheduled for a game, you will be placed on the security list. When you arrive at the stadium, head to Gate 8. Once at Gate 8, you will go through a security check-point. Other than your camera gear and cell phone, no other electronics will be allowed past this point (this includes laptops). Kenneth will meet you at the gate to provide you with your game day pass.
Once you have your credentials, you will head to the Jowdy photo station to setup your gear.
What are the times that we shoot?
Photographers will arrive 4 hours before First Pitch.
Weather permitting, we will shoot plaza areas outside the stadium an additional 3 hours prior to the doors opening.
We will continue shooting throughout the end of the game. Many fans will be out on the Plazas after the game ends. Ultimately, we want all photographers to be able to get a good shot count.
What is the compensation?
Pay is $.25 per sellable image (sellable means proper exposure & composition and non duplicates) (the photo does not have to be sold to get credit).
Is there a cap on the quantity of photos that can be taken?
There is no cap on the quantity of photos that can be taken within our start/end time(TBD per MLB). All we limit is duplicates of the same group/photo. We look to get a single photo per group (barring blinks, photo bombs, etc).
What is the dress code?
Photographers should wear a black top (preferably polo style), black pants (no denim), and comfortable black shoes (athletic shoes are fine)
We will provide a pocketed vest that includes an "Official Photographer" tag on the back.
How do I get paid?
We will provide payment via direct deposit or printed check. You will complete this information during your onboarding process.
Paydays are on the 15th and last day of every month.
Please note that you are being hired as a contractor and you are responsible for the taxes on your earnings. We do not withhold taxes on this event.
Is there parking?
Parking is not provided for games.
Can I use my own gear?
We allow photographers to utilize their own gear and even suggest it for comfort and familiarity. Be mindful of increased time at security. We do have gear for you to use but there is a limited qty and it is first come, first served.
What gear is acceptable?
All prosumer Canon DSLRs are fine provided they allow for an external flash.
We try to be in the 18-24mm range so a lens covering that range is needed. Kits lens will suffice. We do not use Prime lenses as there is generally a need to adjust due to space.
An external flash is to be used. It is not required to have TTL but it can be quite helpful.
Consumer DSLRs such as a Canon T6 are also fine to use. In many cases, we use these types of cameras due to the risk of damage. Understand that the MLB, The New York Yankees, The Stadium, or Jowdy Photography are not responsible for theft or damage. We will have a secured area for outerwear and camera bags.
Examples of Sellable Images
These images photos are focused, correctly exposed, and have a composition that allows the background to tell the story of the event.